Sunday, October 12, 2008

World Race Motivation

While writing a paper this week on motivation theory, I turned my mind to the topic of World Race Motivation, or why in the world would anyone want to do that?

Now, I know that there are many, many reason, and they all come from God. The Jan. 2009 Team are collectively posting their thoughts on this, so read up on what these inspired young people are saying. And I can tell you that those who go, come back better for least the ones I know well from June '07. God has a strong hand in their lives, and while some would love to go back to Manila and work in the orphanage again, they are here in the US working and living and praying and helping and reaching out to those around them who need to hear the Word of the Lord. It is inspiring, and important and part of God's plan, so we are to encourage them where and when we can. their work is not in vain, it is just a little different than they thought.

Love to all the WR family, and blessings on the World Racers at home and in the field. Once a Racer, always a Racer.

Steve J.
World Race Dad

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The importance of blogs.

I've recently learned that I am not a very good listener.

My wife, Joy, has been telling me this for years, but I was not paying attention as I should have been, and missed her point entirely.

You see, I am a visual learner. I remember things that I see in writing. I love to read, and can recall details from reports, online articles, books and magazines clearly. I can not recall the name of the person I met at church this morning, but they had a great smile and I will remember the face.

From an article by a Chinese scholar named Ms. Jianying Lu, I learned, "Listening is an active process that requires attention to the speaker in order to appropriately react and respond." (Lu, 2005).

My listening is not very active, as I am concentrating on appropriate, polite reactions, nodding, smiling, and all the other conventional responses that are expected. Somehow the name just does not get retained. (If I get a business card, I remember forever.) Now in the business setting, this can be a crippling attribute. I can go to networking events, and heaven help me if I don't get a business card because I simply do not retain the name I should. This is something I must work on.

Blogging allows us to engage in conversations with certain aspects of a person's life, and with the identity that person chooses to employ. (Gurak, A. 2008). I am much more likely to remember their name, too.

Which is why I like World Race blogs. I can read and reread a blog whenever I want, and I retain the information much longer, and more accurately. There are usually good photos, too, of exotic locations that I will never see in person.

The ability to respond is just a great extra feature for me, too, so I can reach out to the World Race teams all over the world and let them know I am thinking abou them. I have heard that these responses are valuable, so I encourage each of you to do the same. You will be creating better mental health for those World Race kids we love.

So, go read a blog. You will learn something new, I promise. Beware, there may be references to unusual foods.

Lu, J. 2005. The Lifestyle Inventory (LSI) as an Instrument for Improving Listening Skill, Sino-US English Teaching, May 2005, Volume 2, No. 5 (Serial No. 17).

Gurak, Laura J. 2008. The Psychology of Blogging, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 52, Number 1, pp.60-68.