Friday, November 21, 2008

World Racers are coming home

All you Jan. 08 World Race families, get ready. you are about to be invaded by aliens.

That person who comes in through the front door with a backpack and a tent under each arm may look like your kid, but be ready to meet an entirely new person.

You see, they've been the world, by the people, by the community in which they have been living, and of course, by the Hand of the Almighty.
When our daughter came home last year, she had this urge to set her tent up in our front yard. (not really, but it sounds good.) Since we now live in a condo, that's quite the trick. it can be done, but there's not much room to move about.

The next thing, after the 30 minute shower, we looked at her pictures, fed her, then began asking "now what?"

My suggestion to your parents and grandparents....give them a day or two before you start in on what next, ? Frankly, your kids don't know what is next for them, and they are just as anxious as you to find out, but continuous asking will not help them find the answer.

These World Racers are highly motivated, so they are feeling a need to keep moving, doing, helping seeing and learning. they'll be up and about very darn soon, so relax and let it happen.
In our case, Alli, soon took off to visit friends, attend the Lakeland Revival twice, go to AIM and to two different conferences befoer she took off again with AIM for the October Race. They are in an large asian nation now, but headed to Africa next week. Her stay with us was maybe five months but then she was gone again.
She dosen't know "what's next" but she isn't standing still either.
So love those Racers. Feed them. Let them use up your hot water. Let them spread the dirt of the world all over your garage, but don't be suprised if they take off and go again.

It happens.

Best. have a great holiday,
Steve J
World Race Dad

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